Friday, November 21, 2008

Students dodge buses

I was one of the students who decided to not pay for parking. The additional walking time didn't bug me. I am all for a little exercise. Besides, my car has been in the shop for the better part of this month, so at least I didn't waste my money on something I didn't even use.

Now, I'm starting to rethink my decision. I park outside BEC gate, where the buses come in and out. That area is, like the rest of the campus, still getting the finishing touches. There is a lot of sand, and one gate for pedestrians and vehicles. When the buses pass through, it can be life threatening.

On more than one occasion I've had to pull my friend off the road so the bus wouldn't hit us. The buses don't slow down, and they don't use their horns. Students often walk down that road idly, with their ipods on. If they don't hear the bus, I am not sure what will happen. I want to say I'm sure the bus won't hit them, but I'm not too sure.

What if one day a bus driver isn't looking and he's speeding down that hill. (We've all seen them do it). A student is walking, and realizes the pedestrian gate is closed. They make a sudden decision to walk on the road, an step on to the road. They have their headphones on, and they don't look.

WHAM!!! AUC gets sued.

I asked the security guard why the gate wasn't open, and he said he didn't know. The sidewalk is done, but the gate's closed. I would think student safety would be a pressing issue for the administration. It doesn't cost them anything to open it, but the alternative could cost someone their lives.

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