Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Core Center to Minimize Pedestrian Traffic

AUC claims opening the new Core Center will minimize student pedestrian traffic on main walkways, but students are not convinced.

BY: Sarah Wali

Cairo- Construction delays have left students at the American University in Cairo (AUC) with limited seating areas. As a result, students are inconveniently located on main paths leading to classrooms.

The Bottleneck

Senior Ahmed Hendi says walking up to the library early afternoon is equivalent to fighting traffic on the October 6 Bridge. The students are seated along the borders of the AUC spine under the shade of the bridge between the Core and the SSE.

“Getting from the HUSS building to the BEC building shouldn’t take more than five minutes,” said Hendi. “But because there are so many people and booths in that area, it takes twice as long.”

Passersby may find a narrow path in the midst of the chairs. Traffic going both ways is often delayed by students greeting one another, and tensions raise when students bump into chairs and people. Junior Amr Hakeem can be found sitting along the wall of the Core Building during his breaks. He says that he, and the other students seated there, mean no harm. He picked this place because of the shade.

“The most important thing is the shade,” said Hakeem. “The shadow from the bridge and the cool air here is nice, so we sit here.”

Convenience Over Consideration

Hakeem also says students find this area convenient. It is strategically located in the midst of the academic buildings, making a quick chat with friends during breaks easy.

In addition Cinnabon, one of the campus’ three main food suppliers, is located in the plaza level of the Core Building. Long lines of customers and students enjoying their coffee add to the traffic problem.

Crowds are also found at Jared’s Bagel in the Administration Building and the Cilantro at the Main Portal. However, Cilantro is further away from classes, and Jared’s is below the building, with a narrow access corridor.

Campus Center to the Rescue “Soon”

According to Vice President of Planning and Development Paul Donoghue, AUC’s pedestrian traffic problem will be dramatically reduced with the opening of the new Campus Center. The center is located beside the library and includes all student activities, medical facilities, a daycare center, a conference center, and food.

“This is the student life of the campus and is to be the focus of all the activities,” said Donoghue. “It was designed as a whole, a little city. It’s huge.”

Students will have outdoor seating areas on two terraces which overlook the AUC Park, and the sports complex. Indoor seating is also available in the dinning room and food court. Furthermore, the completion of the sports complex will add a 24-hour Cilantro and a student’s activity center. According to Donoghue, by populating these new buildings, the pedestrian traffic problem would be greatly reduced.

However, Hakeem is not convinced.

“The people sitting in this area aren’t concerned with food or services,” said Hakeem. “They go where it is convenient. If they want food they’ll get up and get the food and come back. The only time they may move is when it gets cold. Then they will look for somewhere indoors.”

For more information on the new Campus Center at AUC visit www.aucegypt.edu.

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