Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Students at the American University of Cairo are tired of being taken advantage of by the administration. They are sick of indirect answers, and want action for the grievances they have filed. However, while their concerns are legitimate their method of communication leaves much to be desired.

I’ve been reporting on a story about the sit-in that was held last Wednesday. I’m happy that the student body feels comfortable enough to be able to speak out when they feel the need. However, they proved to the administration, and many of the other students, that AUC is full of kids not adults.

The students were situated in front of the Administration building the entire day. They yelled their demands, and shouted their grievances. Eventually a crowd formed, and apparently the administration felt that something needed to be done. They sent vice president of student affairs Ashraf El-Fiqi.

I have had the pleasure of interviewing El-Fiqi earlier in the semester. I was reporting on a sensitive topic, worker harassment, and had some pointed accountability questions to ask. El- Fiqi was polite, kind and decent. Therefore, I was shocked to learn from various witnesses that he was treated with anything other than respect.

The student organizer stood with a cigarette in her hand and proceeded to yell at him. She had him stand in the sun for about forty five minutes, arguing and making demands, while the students sat behind her under an umbrella. Students who tried to voice their concerns were told to be quiet, and sit down.

In the end the sit-in was a bust because of the lack of respect. Many students refused to go to the forum because they did not want to associate themselves with such insolence. They felt that the whole situation could have been handled in a more mature manner.

I agree with the students. Although I wore my red bands yesterday, and will continue to wear them until the reasonable demands are met, I do not agree with what happened last Wednesday. I hear the students, and they are not complaining, they are giving reasonable demands. What the student body needs now is true representation. Someone who will unite them, represent them, and make their lives at AUC easier. Someone who makes them feel like they are not so out of touch from the administration.

Wait, isn’t the SU president supposed to do that?

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