Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ma2lab Masri

AUC held it's official inauguration for the New Cairo campus yesterday. A lot of big names were invited including Yusra and the First Lady of Egypt. The event, like most ceremonial events, was boring. None of the students were invited, and only a select staff recieved invitations.

However, some students from the First Year Experience Program and the FYE were asked to come as ushers for the event. I have been a part of FYE for the past year and was one of their volunteers.

Our group felt honored to be chosen along with the Student Union to help out. After all, we went through the actual move. We dealt with unfinished buildings, frustrated professors and a skeleton campus all through the Fall 2008 semester. It was our right to be there, even if we were just working.

We arrived at 8 AM and worked nonstop until the awards ceremony was over at 2. Everyone seemed indifferent at the festivities. They were obviously not for us, and frankly by the end we all just wanted to get off the campus. But then one of the representitives from Editor (the PR company that helped organize the event) told us the First Lady wanted a picture with us.

Many of us, including me, thought great! At least we are getting some recognition as students of the campus. The FL is actually acknowledging that the campus doesnt run on buildings alone, but on the work of the students. Agree with the politics or not, she was our guest at the campus, and we didn't want to disappoint.

Others laughed. "Why would elhanim want a picture with us?????" they asked. "This is a trick, a hoax, a joke. Anyone who tells you different doesnt know what they are talking about."

So they went to their cars, while most of us walked from the Campus Center to the Main Portal. We stood there about fifteen minutes. Finally a caravan of golf carts came our way. After three cars of body gaurds passed, the first lady and then her son flew past us waiving and smiling.

They headed straight for the book store.

At this point all of us were just tired. It had been a long day and our feet hurt. We asked the security what was going on and they told us "She's going into the bookstore. She may decide to take a picture with you when she comes out, she may decide not to. It's up to her."

The president of the FYE had access to her cars, and walked right up to them to ask what was going on. About twenty minutes later we go the news, the First Lady decided not to take the picture. We had stood for nothing. Perhapes they just needed the students to stand and say good-bye as she exited the campus. They should have told us if that was the case.

Then again, if they did most of us would have gone home.

Being a First Lady requires class and elegance. It demands diplomacy and understanding. Unfortunately, while our FL showed that she indeed does have dignity and pride, she lacks the ability empathize with those who lack power and influence. Her actions indicate that she could care less about how she makes the little guy feel.

Then they wonder why no one really likes their family.